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Shells generator

A simple cli tool to generate reverse shell in various languages and environments written in GO.


sb-shells demo

How to build

Install in linux sb-shells

go install

Build for linux

go build -o sb-shells

Add -ldflags "-s -w" flags to reduce the file size by deleting the debug links and info in the binary

Reduce the file size

upx --ultra-brute sb-shells

Build for window

Generate an executable sb-shells.exe for windows environment.

env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o sb-shells.exe -ldflags "-s -w"

Basic commands

$ sb-shells -h                                                         
Generate shell codes for various environments Powershell, bash, php..

sb-shells [command]

Available Commands:
bash Generate bash reverse shell scripts
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
groovy Generate Groovy reverse shell script
help Help about any command
php Generate php reverse shell
ps Generate powershell reverse shell scripts

-h, --help help for sb-shells
-i, --ipAddrLocal string Local IP address
-p, --portLocal string Local Port

Use "sb-shells [command] --help" for more information about a command.