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Simple Web server

This is a Simple web server written in GO. A simple web server with upload and downloading files.

This webserver was designed with penetration testing in mind, where the need for a simple webserver may arise. The code is tested on windows and linux.

  • Simple webserver with custom port assignment.
  • Has download and multiple files upload feature.
  • List all the file in the current directory.

The upload feature in the server does not perform any security check and it is intentionally done to provide flexibility during the engagement. TLS implementation in progress.

sb-http demo

How to build

Install in linux sb-http

go install

sb-http source from github

Build for linux

go build -o sb-http

Add -ldflags "-s -w" flags to reduce the file size by deleting the debug links and info in the binary

Reduce the file size

upx --ultra-brute sb-http

Build for window

Generate an executable sb-http.exe for windows environment.

env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o sb-http.exe -ldflags "-s -w"

Example usage

sb-http serve
$ sb-http serve -h
Basic server with upload and download feature

sb-http serve [flags]

-h, --help help for serve
-p, --port string Enter the port number (default "8099")