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Reverse proxy cli in GoLang

This is simple Reverse proxy cli tool written in GO. A fully functional cli tool to route http traffic from localhost to target IP on specified port!

This project is a simple implementation of reverse proxy written in GO.

  • Create a simple reverse proxy
  • Routing traffic from host to the target host


The current demo shows accessing webserver running on port 9001 through the port 9090 and download the data.txt file from the server.

revproxy demo

How to build

revproxy install

go install

Build for window

Generate an executable revproxy.exe for windows environment.

env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o revproxy.exe -ldflags "-s -w"

Build for linux

go build -o revproxy -ldflags "-s -w"

Example command

./revproxy -lhost -lport 9011 -thost -tport 9008
$ revproxy help
Print default help
-lhost string
Listening Host IP Address
-lport int
Listening port
-thost string
Pointing to target Host IP Address
-tport int
Pointing to the target port